surreal lie

Chickens eat more than that hoop girl
twirling her life through yellow.
She best watch her back—
that savior right ‘round the corner
herding sheep like people,
piling them up for a trip in his windowless
wagon where thinking is stuck in the middle of believe.


A shout out to a rather new site dVerse.  This is my first post for their Saturday Poetics.  Today we were provided information about a painter, Giorgio de Chorico who “fell under the spell of Nietszche.”  I wrote the poem as a surrealist response to the painting Mystery and Melancholy of a Street (above), through a somewhat Nietszchean lens.  Visit dVerse for more takes on Giorgio de Chorico and his work.

23 thoughts on “surreal lie

  1. ‘herding sheep like people,
    piling them up for a trip in his windowless
    wagon where thinking is stuck in the middle of believe’.~
    strong words ~ stripped of believe ~ as herded like sheep ~
    great voice and choice of words ~ Lib


  2. I like the surrealist feel of your poem. Good response to both the painting and the life of this artist, who was new to me. I especially liked the girl twirling her life through yellow and stuck in the middle of believe. Nice work.


  3. Brimming with malice with tongue in cheek – the child catcher awaits – bbbrrrrr – sends a shiver.

    Some great lines

    I may have nightmares


  4. Ah yes, I wondered as well just who that shadow figure was right around the corner. I called it ‘future’ though, but it could be a ‘savior’ as well.


  5. This is why I love such prompts! Another dark take on this image…which until today alway screamed yellow to me in a good way. Amazing how another’s words can completely alter your own perception…and I guess that is the power of poetry…good poetry like this at least! Thanks for sharing your words!


  6. a windowless wagon…stuck in the middle of believe…excellent close…and they call him savior…oh i hope she hoops on through…smiles. wellpenned verse and glad you joined in…


  7. …where thinking is stuck in the middle of believe… great closure brenda
    you capture the surrealism well with the…twirling her life through yellow…and then this shepherd gave me shivers..


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