Vanquish the Dragon

Your mouth hemorrhages flames
that lick beastly lies
until a sheen covers your words
–slick polished speak.

Beneath jagged teeth
that gnash newly grafted branches
your tongue forks an agenda
that spreads its cancer
through social media channels
while accusations of cheating
float through the wake of your words.

Few can stomach your hat in the ring.
Fear of your becoming
beads sweat on brows,
so we leave our houses
to release you at the polls.

Brenda Warren 2014

Written for Elizabeth’s Day 26 prompt, and The Sunday Whirl.






22 thoughts on “Vanquish the Dragon

  1. Wonderful political piece, Brenda.I still shudder when thinking that folk in the US voted for Bush the second time round. Though, your first stanza speaks loudly of someone I know here, and she is anything, but political. It could stand on its own in describing her personality. Great use of a difficult set of words. Which, I am always grateful for, thank you, my friend.

    Pamela ox


  2. I love the imagery in the opening verses – there be dragons here! – and everywhere..sometimes we can see them coming but there’s nothing we can do to lay waste to them..although words make good conquering swords


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