
staggering in the marrow of her addiction
she misses the moral of every story told
brief snatches of coherence
sorrow flows through her broken blood
humming the songs of her life
dancing inside the worthy morrow of Neverland
where her children lie buried in yesterday’s dusk
while she mates her life to a needle’s destiny
forever sunk in dreams half sung

Brenda Warren 2012

The Sunday Whirl words pulled me to a dark place. I am ever thankful that this is not the life I live. It is day 8 of NaPoWriMo, and thus far, I’ve made it—a poem a day. It’s been a fun journey. Thank you for dipping your toes into my river of words.

24 thoughts on “broken

  1. Brenda, dark indeed. So many images taking positives and twisting them darkly – “dreams half sung” – and the sting of “needle’s destiny”. Great words this week, you have shaped into a sad portrait.



    • Thank you for stopping, Mary, and for your kind support. It has been fun writing with you this week. Three more weeks of daily poems to go, then I’ll hurry through May, and it will be time for summer vacation.


  2. Needled could also be seen as taking unkind words to heart, being needled so much that self confidence is all but lost – parents telling a child they will never amount to anything etc. The buried dreams half sung…allowing for that small window of hope and light to be found.
    This also made me think of Parents who make their young daughters give up children for adoption when they don’t want too, or even an older woman knowing that the choice of giving up a child for a better future than one they could provide – sad, but a slight glimmer of hope…


    • I got the giving the child up for something better feel from the piece, too. Thanks as always for your insight Jules. Your interpretations are thoughtful, and inspired. I appreciate that you take the time to read deeply and share.


  3. These words were challenging and also put me in a darker place for my poem, which I finally got posted in the right place. Several very striking lines in this one of yours, that others have mentioned too. I too am thankful I do not live this life. Happy Easter.


  4. “Forever buried in dreams half sung” is a powerful line. I agree with Barb, you put together some beautiful phrases with these words, Brenda. A sad, but powerful piece. That word “addiction” was a bugger to work with, wasn’t it?
    Have a happy Easter and a great Sunday! Enjoy your vacation.



    • I should have traded addiction out for something else, perhaps. Thank you for your comments, Pamela. It’s been fun to be back in the writing circuit. Your support is appreciated.


  5. Wow – concise and powerful, Brenda! So sad. I thought this was phenomenal:
    she mates her life to a needle’s destiny
    forever buried in dreams half sung


  6. This is so close to my heart. It’s raw and all too real. Thankfully I was never an addict but, having been one in the past, it is what eventually killed my late partner. So, this (and the one I wrote) really hits home, hard.


  7. Ohhh, so sad, Brenda, but beautifully written. Some people do live these lives of quiet desperation, tied to a needle or a bottle. “Staggering in the marrow of her addiction” is a brilliant line! “Forever buried in dreams half sung” is gorgeous, too.

    Have a happy day and a happy Easter! Thank you for all of your comments this past week!


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