Pandora’s Fires

Hot embers lift feathery sparks
that pop scarlet holes against
Pandora’s inky night.
Our shining cheeks lift with laughter,
oiled by fire’s gentle sway,
polishing summer’s reverie.

No doubt we fit together,
this close circle of faces
watching the young ones
feed flame with branches that burn
until dawn begins to brush the sky,
then wets the grass
shooting from our mother
to tickle morning’s feet.

On our way toward tomorrow,
we create another yesterday
to hold us aloft,
when lost moments
cloak their hungry pall 
over our empty nest.

Brenda Warren 2013

Visit the Sunday Whirl.

Visit the Sunday Whirl.

Process Notes: On the way to DC we spent four days in Pandora, Ohio, our home away from Montana, where we filled time around fire telling family stories until morning came close.

24 thoughts on “Pandora’s Fires

  1. ‘No doubt we fit together,
    this close circle of faces
    watching the young ones’ ~ like these lines, and ’empty nest’ – resonates with me, yes, good idea to make memories of yesterday to warm up our hearts later, tomorrow…


    • Thank you, Elizabeth. A poet’s bonfire is an inspired idea. I would love to share that with you and many of us. One day, perhaps. Your support brings me comfort and joy. I am grateful that our writing lives have intersected.


  2. Beauty of campfire scenes and now only happy memories remain of the enjoyable trip with family as life moves on!! Maybe there is another day another time someplace again!!


  3. Oh this poem is so touchingly beautiful and I knew that it had to be part of the bittersweet trip you just took to drop a child at college. I am long past those days and am in the time of life where those moments of which you speak, continue to hold me aloft! And, astonishingly, we continue to make those moments, for which I am so thankful! Thank you for sharing this poem!


  4. Vivid scene, Brenda. I knew you were talking about your trip before I read the post note. Your last stanza is quite poignant. I am so happy to see you back with us, my friend. You were surely missed. I also love the name Pandora for a city, that is pretty awesome.



  5. The yesterdays can either hold us aloft or bring us down. It’s a dichotomy. As we age, there are both more good memories and more regrets.


  6. I am transfixed by the final stanza. Perhaps it’s because I never before thought of yesterday being able to hold us aloft, and this image is so, well, buoyant, that some of the sting is taken out of the lost moments. (I fear I’m muttering, but maybe there’s some sense here that you’ll pick up on!)


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