The Alchemist Masseuse

She sprinkled his acid remarks with nectar,
then used his moans to gauge the supple acumen of her craft.

She soothed him.

Advancing alchemical reactions,
her oiled hands heated his shoulders
until juices from his acid tongue
dripped holes into the yellow linoleum
below the healing table.

It quieted his tongue.

Ameliorating pain
her fingers manipulated knots—
vibrating and tenderizing acid into
sugar’s sweet joy.

Holy smoke spiraled yellow
dissipating as it swept his body’s length ,
while the alchemist masseuse
impeded his pain, humming as she
pulverized knots and acid thoughts,

then sent him into the world,
where without thinking,
he tipped his hat to a passing stranger
while humming the lines of her hands.

Brenda Warren 2012

These words kept twirling into darkness, until I set them in the hands of a masseuse. To see where other people took the words, visit The Sunday Whirl. You’ll be glad that you did.

24 thoughts on “The Alchemist Masseuse

  1. I like the repetition of acid: acid remarks, acid tongue, acid thoughts. And “humming the lines of her hands” is a spectacular line! Great poem, Brenda! I would never guess the words gave you trouble.


  2. I continue to be astounded by the variety, wit, and beauty of the entries in your Wordles! Your contribution is exquisite. If you have the name and number of this particular masseuse, then please send it to me! I could definitely use that type of massage – and the sooner the better! 😆


  3. Oh, indeed…I’ve been ameliorated by such hands…..and I do believe I have hummed their lines.
    …you captured a good massage so well…the only other thing to say: “Yes, please!” 😉


  4. I love how you had no trouble at all with acid…that one threw me for a loop! You have really captured the essence of a good masseuse. Really well done.


  5. I was continually amazed as I read, and the ending is unexpected, sweet. This has such a quiet, amelioriating tone, Brenda. I really liked the line “It quieted his tongue”.


  6. Brenda, a delightful read. It just unfolded so well. I like how you keep coming back to acid – his remarks, tongue, and thoughts – and how her massage sweetened him. Love the last stanza, especially that last line.



  7. I am laughing with joy and amazement after reading your poem! I think the alchemist masseuse has touched me in some mysterious way, “pulveriz[ing] knots and acid thoughts.” I don’t know how she did it, but, hey, that’s alchemy for you! Delightful read! Well done!


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