Monster Haibun

The monsters in my closet were real. They had three names: Crush, Kill, and Destroy. During the daytime they’d chase me with snakes or meet me in the garage where fear met darkness in cracks of light and my little heart beat holes in 4 year old me.

stitch up my spirit
secrets bloom on thorny stems
monsters lie in wait

Years later, undefined panic sent me to a seer, a shrink with a gift. Blurred lines cleared into cracks of light in the walls. My story made sense. The sacred book that is my life reveals itself in unwritten pages.

crush, kill, destroy me
meet me in the dark garage
where sacred books begin

Brenda Warren 2016


Garage by Randall Talbot

For day 2, Elizabeth prompts us “to write about something we have never written about before: a secret, a childhood fear, something avoided or purposely ignored. Something we have left unwritten.” She provided six words to include in our writing today.

undefined, book, lines, fear, gift, secret

When I saw where this was headed, I decided to write a haibun. A haibun is prose interspersed with haiku. There are holes in this story that may never get filled. Still, it was good to explore it. Thanks for the prompt, Elizabeth.

6 thoughts on “Monster Haibun

  1. How I thank you for this, Brenda. I chose the humor, you chose that other. It wasn’t the garage for me, it was the basement. You have allowed me to see how I might finally write about it. And bring those monsters into the clear light of day. Hats off to you, my poet friend. You rock!


    Meet The Girls

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    • Thank you, Elizabeth. If you do write about your basement, let me know. I appreciate your understanding and support. There is more that I can add to this piece, but you know…it’s a bit like pulling teeth. Anticipating pain is enormous, the pull itself, not too bad, and the relief after bleeding…. yes!

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