Can someone please turn off the color in this room?

A Play in One Act

dog sofa


(Title question posed in dog’s voice from off-stage.
Dog enters room, jumps on couch)

Oh yeah…
Word is
I can’t see color.
I’m a dog.
A dog with a human.
A human with a blog.

She fashions herself literary
like that shiny bitten apple
flashing its light
enticing your collective serpent soul
(don’t tell me that apple wasn’t a plant
to root spending’s glorious growth).

You humans are messed up.
Give me a field filled with dog poo
and gopher holes any day.

And turn off your colors.
Distracters destroy
the living breathing world
right under your nose.

(Dog jumps off couch
and exits, nose to carpet,
no looking back.)

Brenda Warren 2014

Thank you to Tess at The Mag for the ekphrastic inspiration for this piece.



15 thoughts on “Can someone please turn off the color in this room?

  1. There is a quirky line of thinking in some quarters suggesting that we are somehow more evolved than these poor creatures who have no souls ..ha ha ha ha
    Well done , Brenda


  2. This stanza is my favorite….what a poignant and true reminder:
    “And turn off your colors.
    Distracters destroy
    the living breathing world
    right under your nose.”


  3. I’m loving this, although I sort of wonder about the second stanza and a dog actually saying something like that… Then again, your dog might be much smarter than mine who’d probably just yawn… *smile* Enjoyed this!


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