moon unit

Clotted blood mars silence—
a smudged portent of pain
—a moon centered malady
where cratered eyes
create forced fluctuations
of ocean and womb,

or not as the case may be.

Some things hit like a brick
through a window.

Brenda Warren 2014

Written for Elizabeth’s day 10 prompt.


4 thoughts on “moon unit

  1. Such a sad poem, Brenda. Quite beautifully penned. I have come to a
    s-r-e-e-c-h-i-n-g halt on my writing at this moment. I am glad to see you continuing.

    Your friend,
    Pamela ox


    • Thanks Pamela. Surprisingly, it didn’t feel sad to write it. There is so much distance. At some point, though, I bet I’ll read it and feel it.

      Thanks for stopping to read. You will write again, and it will be profound. Take your time, work through your life. So glad we are friends in this odd cyber poetry thingee.


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