Place, Sense, and the Mizquicks

(never been to Hawaii)
(never even imagined being there until now)

Waves must sing delicious on volcanic island shores,
projecting ocean mantra into foam against the stone.

But technology encroaches roads with parasitic people,
beaches swarming, merging masses, leaving splashes
of anxiety in my quiet Montana mind.

In Montana, a stellar sense of solitude
urges road trips over Bridger Canyon Drive,
where clover’s sweetness inundates my senses,
and paints ditches with its hues.

At the summit of the highway,
just past the road to Brackett Creek,
I stop and smudge the four directions.
Burning sweet grass, ancient blessings
that linger in my hair.

Dropping down out of the Bridgers,
Montana’s high plains start to show.
Rising in a sea of quivering prairie grasses
the Crazies kiss the sky, this is what I think
is meant by candy for the eye.

Crazy Mountains - B. Warren

Crazy Mountains – B. Warren

Inquisitive seedlings of imagination take root.

Years ago, a fleet of Mizquicks landed in the Crazy Mountains
they feasted on its craggy peaks. The minerals activated wild
hallucinations that made the Mizquicks laugh. They mined
the rocks with picks, not unlike our own, put them on their ship,
and flew back home to Zortan, where other Mizquicks dine
on compost rich fecundity, and peaks do not exist.

In the off chance they return,
I’ve left maps with arrows from Montana to Hawaii
on the top of Crazy Peak.

Brenda Warren 2013


Well that was an interesting journey. I used a list of 12 words from The Sunday Whirl, and Miz Quickly’s prompt for day 7 of NaPoWriMo. Her prompt asked us to combine sense and place.  Quickly says, “include a place you’ve never been, a place you know well, and a place fictional or imaginary. For each place, appeal to a different pair of senses . . . Do be specific. Beautiful, delicious, loud: nice words, but fuzzy.”

This was a fun exercise.  I do think the break (picture) in the poem would be a nice place to stop. Then again, it was fun to envision the Mizquicks’ eating habits.  😉

32 thoughts on “Place, Sense, and the Mizquicks

  1. Brenda, wonderful Wordle this week – inspired so many unique responses. Your reference to “smudging the four directions” and then “burning sweet grass, ancient blessings
    that linger in my hair,” reminds me of the years I spent with Zuni friends in SoCal, who hipped me to sweat lodges, burning sage, and the Directions. That word “smudge,” BTW, was one of the most difficult to incorporate for many; yours was straight to the source! Amy


  2. Made an enjoyable trip to places that I have only read about, and one day would love to go to that alien land, since the Mizquicks laugh.and are intelligent too 😀


  3. Gosh well done with the prompts. I’ve only ever managed that with photo prompts. Loved the fun poem Brenda. I’ve been in love with Montana since I did a project about the state in grade school and Hawaii since about then as well. Love your aliens and think of them as rock munching little green goblin thingies. 🙂


  4. Here goes…………..nice analogy with the last best place on Earth and the last best island on Earth…….or so I’m told to think. Do you imagine when your people emerge on the island following your directions they will be disappointed as you are?


  5. I don’t think the misquicks would thank you for the directions to Hawaii. When I talk to the mountains I like to be alone. Your task however was completed with distinction.


  6. Hmmm, are we all a bunch of misfit, Mizquicks. I like this. If there could be a warm beach on the boarder of Montana…Well I kind of like my little corner in SW, Pennsylvania. Spent a week on Maui. But you know how that saying goes….There’s no place like home.

    Thanks for your visit…glad you enjoyed ‘Recall’.


    • Today was fun. I spent a lot of time reading poetry, graded some papers. A day to hunker down. Wish I had a few more. The “busy”ness is about to ensue again tomorrow.


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