Pa leans.



Sun drops to cool the day’s refrain
of the shovel’s crunch and ping.
While border collies pant sweat,
wary of the orange feral cat they
and Billy spy in the field behind Ma,
smiling with her camera contraption,
Pa leans, resting on his spade,
tickled to see the sun contort his boy’s
silhouette across the canvas of his pants.

Brenda Warren 2013


The photo prompt came from Miz Quickly. Click on the 3 pic to visit her place. The picture is from an website called Shorpy, that boasts an extensive collection of historic photos.

12 thoughts on “Pa leans.

    • Thank you, Pamela. I noticed that about the pics, too. I’m liking April so far, because this daily connection is nice, eh?! Hopefully I’ll still feel like this in a week or so. ha!


  1. Kudos to you for managing to write this at the end of your long day! Love “camera contraption!” Wonderful, folksy response to the prompt.

    Please do print a copy of my poem to use however you see fit! I am honored!


    • Thank you Marianne. I love “folksy.” Thanks also for allowing me to use your work. It’s a perfect companion to Karen Hesse’s “Out of the Dust,” a novel set in the dust bowl days, written in verse.


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