Crinolined Inspiration

Still Life, 1670, detail by Jean François de Le Motte

Ivory crinoline curls round the leather strap
that secures all the words she penned afore dying
The whites of her eyes dry, shriveled, gone.
Her lush red lips, chalky— crumbled to dust.

Ivory crinoline once ran through her hair
gleaming a path through cascading black rivers
tumbling across her bone-white bodice
made lush with a deep crimson corset.

Ivory crinoline curls round the leather strap
pinning her missives, her poetry, her lists
above her relief on his studio wall
where he stains his life with her memory.

He fingers the ivory crinoline ribbon
threading deep currents that run through his soul
then he colors his palette with cadmium yellow,
white lead, and bone black, and alizarin crimson.

Ivory crinoline curls circles on canvas when
he saturates his brush and begins.

Brenda Warren 2012

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16 thoughts on “Crinolined Inspiration

  1. So well-written. I especially love these lines:

    Ivory crinoline curls round the leather strap
    pinning her missives, her poetry, her lists
    above her relief on his studio wall
    where he stains his life with her memory.


  2. This is splendid and evocative brenda – I just love it! Especially all the colours you use – “alizarin crimson” – mmmhmmm – soooo cool – the poem sings and wails both …


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