honeyed hives

before instinct gallops away
chase that whim through honeyed fields.
Resist logic.
Listen to buzzing undercurrents and
fluttering hearts .
Pollinate twisted papyrus hives
into colorful enzymatic etchings
where hibernating thoughts
cosset dreams and percolate
a viscous amber river
thrust into the world
through honeybees’ bellies
into this bumbling sticky poem.

Admittedly an odd piece, it is where the words took me. Being on the start of a family vacation, I played with it a bit in the car yesterday, and do not know where else to go with it. I read something about hornets recently. They make their papery hives by ingesting bark from area trees and puking it up. In areas with multicolored trees, they surpass magnificence. Honey also runs through a bee’s digestive system. They add enzymes to it to make it more viscous….apparently it starts out watery. Interesting stuff…I wanted to work it into this piece, and this piece resulted.

Please visit The Sunday Whirl for more pieces that incorporate the twelve words in the following wordle.

20 thoughts on “honeyed hives

  1. Brenda, I like this. We do need to listen to the “buzzing undercurrents and / fluttering hearts”. And you worked in the process of insects and the food and homes they make. It’s lovely.



  2. Ah, Brenda, you are buzzing around, gathering up the makings of honey to bring back to this hive of poets you feed with that nectar. Am so glad that you are and that you do. I also love that quote from Eziekiel and have even used it in a poem, long ago (in a protest poem, no less). Thanks for both the poem and your notes. Both are wonderfully enlightening.



  3. Not odd at all. “chase that whim through honeyed fields”, yes. Makes me want to skip and dance outside to capture those pesky words. Alas, 100 degrees won’t allow, so I’ll do it in my head with your perfect images.


  4. Ooooh, “a viscous amber river.” What a beautiful description of honey. This was a lovely take on the Wordle!

    Bees are so important to the survival of our planet, every Christmas I donate a hive or two to an African family in honor of our family. It’s the only present we give, and it helps a couple of families out of poverty while increasing the population of bees. Loved it! Amy


  5. I like your sticky poem, Brenda. 🙂

    Reading your process notes made me think of a passage from the Bible. It’s in the book of Ezekiel, and the prophet is telling about a command he received from the Lord to carry a message to the people of Israel. In Ezekiel’s vision, the message was given in the form of a scroll: “Then he said to me, ‘Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.’ So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.” (Ezekiel 3:3)

    Just as the hornets digest bark to build their nests and bees digest honey to make it more useful for their purposes (and better for us too, most likely), we have to digest our words so they’ll be beneficial to the reader and hearer. 🙂


  6. Bravo, Brenda! I love where your thoughts took you with this one. And I am especially impressed that you wrote this while traveling! Are you still in Minnesota or have you passed through? Happy trails!


    • Hi Marianne, Thanks for your kind comments. We’re in Ohio with family. My husband and I own a house out here that we may retire in one day. His oldest daughter is living in it right now and we’re visiting. We’ll be heading to New York for a few days too, just for fun. One joy of teaching is the summer time to refill energy and soul before giving it all up for children in the fall. 🙂


  7. I love the origins of your poem. How cool is that? I love poems that involve a bit of research and focus on areas I didn’t know much about before. Taking the wordle and revolving it around bees works beautifully and the last line is wonderful/



  8. Thanks for the note. I liked the phrase “enzymatic etchings” without understanding the reference, but how cool is that! Wouldn’t have thought of the woods’ colors to begin with—and it makes nests variegated. I think I remember reading that bees further concentrate honey by evaporation after it’s in the comb cell, fanning with their wings to circulate the air over it.


  9. Very good. I had a hornets nest or two being made up under the guttering of our house a few years ago. And bees in the trees opposite where I’d park my car… Buuzzzzzz LOL
    Thanks for visiting me and enjoying the wordle. I’m having fun with them too 🙂


  10. I really like what you did with the words, and I also enjoyed reading your process notes and feeling the energy of traveling and honey-making! I like the thought of hurrying to avoid instinct galloping away . . . if the bee didn’t follow instinct, no honey!


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